The Sullivan Cup

Loblolly - April 22 - 23, 2017

For Information on the 2018 Sullivan Cup
contact Mike Schuette at 772-546-8705.

Sunday's Final round has been cancelled
due to inclement weather.

Results and winnings are posted
on the Results Page.

Buffet lunch will be available to
all contestants at noon, accompanied
with the awards ceremony.

Tournament Format

Member-Member, Member-Guest, Guest-Guest.
Better Ball of Partners
36 Holes - 90% Handicap

Championship Flight:

Team Combined Handicap Up to 20,
Play Blue Tees - 36 Hole Low Gross and Net.

First Flight:

Team Combined Handicap Over 20,
Play White Tees - 36 Hole Low Net.

Be sure to check the other links on the left for more details and information.